Welcome to Sheffield Podcasts

podcasterHello and welcome to ‘Sheffield Podcasts’ a place to discover all the podcasts and podcasters in the city of Sheffield, South Yorkshire.

I’ve decided to keep the website simple and easy to use. It’s main goal is to easily display all the podcasts on the front page, and to offer subscription links and access to all social networks for individual podcasters.

This way if anybody ever asks you what podcasts exists in Sheffield or if it has a growing scene; just tell them to check out sheffieldpodcasts.co.uk and they can decide for themselves (hopefully they’ll be impressed)

Also on this webpage, you’ll be able to see all the information about our monthly ‘meetup group’ designed to help support existing podcasts and encourage new ones to start.

We’ll also have this news section, which will be here to tell people about new podcasts or live podcasting events happening in our great city of Sheffield.

